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Dr. Cathy Banks is a dedicated community leader who is committed to improving the lives of children in Louisiana. With a focus on education, Dr. Banks believes that every child deserves access to a high-quality education that prepares them for success in life. She is also a strong advocate for public safety, ensuring that our schools and neighborhoods are safe places for children to learn and grow.


Teachers are the cornerstone of our education system as well as our communities. How many of us have examples from our childhood where a teacher has went above and beyond for one of us or a member of our family? These professionals should not have to choose between paying bills in their own home or buying supplies for their classrooms. Being married to an educator has given this candidate access to the challenges he and his colleagues have faced for years and as a BESE board member I am committed to making sure Louisiana state teachers are valued for what they do. Without public school teachers many of us would not be where we are today, or at least I know I would not be.
History and Statistics have shown that children cannot learn in unsafe environments. We are living in perilous times with an unprecedented occurrence of school shootings and in school fighting. Dr. Cathy is an advocate of collaborations with law enforcement for advanced precautions and interventions for all public schools.
Every parent should have the right to decide where their child goes to school. Whether it be a charter school or a better-performing school than the one in their own neighborhood. I am an advocate for parents and school systems working together to make sure each child gets the best instruction for their learning level as well as their environmental needs.
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  • Five Year Second Harvest Community Business Partner for the Summer Student Feeding Program.
  • Co-owner of the Dream Center Summer Camp Program (2018-2020); primary focus on providing summer regression learning strategies for Calcasieu Public School students.
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